Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Why & The What

I’ve wanted to startup a blog for more months than I’m willing to admit. I had several “excuses” for putting it off, of course:  nervousness, lack of a niche, grammar devils and time.  Yet, the more I read other blogs out there all I could think about were all the things I could be posting. I actually knew exactly what my niche was; it didn’t take rocket science to figure it out. I thrift all the time, I discuss/ gush about thrift all the time, I even read about thrift every, single day.  Eco-friendly living on the otherhand is something I’ll be touching on, too.  Green living is something I study all the time and try to implement into my life in small doses. I’m not a dieter; dramatically changing my lifestyle would only last for, oh, three days tops. So, I take things in and I slowly try to make the life changes that I know are necessary.  Sadly, sometimes even this easing in tactic is rather hard to do.  This is why I want to share the information I’m learning, and even share my experiences as I attempt to implement them into my daily life. 

As for my blogging plans, I don’t have too many. Every other week I will be posting, Peek Inside a Thrifter’s Closet, where I will share with you some little thrift find of mine. Plus, on special occasions, I think I’ll have to spice things up with giveaways for subscribers…unless you don’t want presents?  Overall though, I’ll usually be as random as one can be within the boundaries of a niche— which is pretty boundless. My plan is simply to write and share my ideas and stories.  I have a lot to say; I’m easily charm-struck and hopefully you are too.  Whenever you have questions you’d like answered or blog topics you’d like covered, just send a comment or email my way!  I’ll appreciate being fed topics, trust me.

Thanks for any and all support! You’re all so good to me!

Jacqueline Lee Valenti

                                                                                                         Image by Pixomar

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