
Hi! I'm Jacqueline Lee, writer and thrifter.

Writing is my constant, thrifting is my passion, and eco-friendly living is my learning. 

Initially, I had started Charmstruck back in 2010 to help get over a fear of sharing my written words with others. I decided to start by blogging about my passion for, and the benefits of, a thrift lifestyle after stumbling upon the inspiration of Apron Thrift Girl, (thrift blogs were a whole new world for me and I loved it!) and it worked! I am now a professional freelance copywriter, and have come back to Charmstruck in 2014 in an attempt to reawaken my creative passions, and to help guide a big dive into the world of vintage resale. Handmade, homemade,vintage and simple secondhand are the charms on this blog's bracelet. In fact, this blog itself is a charm that has helped guide me more than once. If you write, try to write or wish to write, I'm sure you understand.

Thank you so much for visiting!